Peace Within Brings Peace Without
When I was young, growing up on an apple orchard in Eastern Washington, winter was a special time for us and there was usually lots of snow. I can...
Steady, Focused, and Tranquil
We all want a mind that is steady, focused and tranquil. Unfortunately, obstacles are often in the way of achieving this. Our state of mind is...
Have you ever had a gut feeling or intuition about something? You are trying to make a decision but you aren’t sure which way to go. Something...
Vedic Peace Chant
As we near the end of the year I want to leave you with one of my favorite Vedic peace chants, which is my consistent wish for everyone that your...
Change is in the air!
Change is in the air! 24 plus years ago I wandered West Seattle looking for a place to open a Yoga studio. No one would rent to me because they...
Why We Gather
Why We Gather Recently I sent out a survey to active SoundYoga students to see what their thoughts were on coming back into the studio for Yoga...
Have you ever wondered how our minds get spun into places we didn’t intend to go and we feel stuck there? It could be an outside influence like the...
Sanga At this time of year, I always reflect on a big date. On February 2, SoundYoga celebrated its 24th birthday. It also reminds me that 2 years...
A Stillness
“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself” - Hermann Hesse For me, this time of...
Faith, Sraddha
Śraddhā (faith) is essential for progress, whether in Yoga or any other endeavor. It is a feeling that cannot be expressed or intellectually...